LAP Laboratorio Arte Pubblica di Elisa Laraia -  LAP Public Art Laboratory by Elisa Laraia
LAP Laboratorio Arte Pubblica di Elisa Laraia - LAP Public Art Laboratory by Elisa LaraiaLoading

LAP Laboratorio Arte Pubblica di Elisa Laraia - LAP Public Art Laboratory by Elisa Laraia


The LAP Laboratory of Public Art from 2009 to the present has carried out storytelling, a choral account of the traditions, secrets, and needs of the communities involved, for the creation of an ethnoanthropological archive of contemporaneity, which started in Basilicata with the first experience in 2011 of the work Private Conversation, and which continues to this day with video installation interventions and with artistic residencies on the territory and in the metaverse. Elisa Laraia, LAP Art